*If you live near Gilbert, AZ and want an opportunity to be a lifelong home to one of the dogs pictured below read the following page to find out more about our guardian program. (Some of the pictures are not of the actual dogs but are what the dog is anticipated to look like)

Desert Mini Doodles


We want all of the dogs within our breeding program to have a safe, healthy and happy environment. As much as we would like to keep all of the dogs we add to our breeding program in our home, we can not do that without compromising the health and quality of their lives. We refuse to raise our dogs in kennels, or in crowded environments. So instead we allow families who REALLY want a dog, and live close by, to give one of our future dogs the the opportunity of a loving home where they can get the attention and love that they need and deserve.

In some breeding programs adult dogs are retired and go live in a different home after they have been retired from breeding. This works for many breeding programs but I have chosen to go a different route in hopes to provide a consistent and steady home for them for the rest of their life!

We will not ever keep our dogs in outdoor runs/kennels. Sometimes our program requires us to have more dogs than we can lovingly keep in our home, so our answer is to allow some of our breeding dogs in our program to leave us and become part of another family’s life and home. They return to us for breeding, and for females, again when it’s time to give birth to and nurture her puppies.

The guardian family gets the opportunity of having their dream dog live in their forever home at a low cost in exchange for working with us for a limited number of breedings. The guardian family for a female dog is compensated for each litter she produces. For a male the guardian family is compensated for each breeding the stud is scheduled for.

  • The guardian family is compensated and gets a loving companion that can confidently know their pet is in great health and because it is health and genetically tested.

  • The dog is cared for in a great environment in his/her forever loving home.

  • We get to continue our breeding program with amazing dogs that are in homes where they are loved and individually cared for!

This plan is used by many breeders and is what we call a “Foster” or “Guardian Home” program. In short– the breeding dog lives with their adoptive family and returns to us for breeding as needed.  Females will come to us when she is in heat, then again to deliver her puppies. She will stay with us for a week during her heat cycle, to be bred. Then, she wii return to us when se is ready to whelp (deliver) her puppies. She will stay with us until the puppies are weaned (about 8 weeks). Males return when a female that he is needed for stud is in heat.  A contract is signed by both parties and we stay in close contact throughout the year! We are here to help and support you in every way! We will answer any questions or concerns you might have along the way to make this arrangement run as smoothly as we can! At the end of the outlined contract the Guardian Family will have 100% ownership of the dog!

We are very careful in who we choose to become guardians and only qualified families will be approved to love and care for our breeding dogs.  Prior to any contract we will perform telephone interview, and a home visit via FaceTime or in person. Our breeding program DEPENDS on the quality of care provided to our dogs by our loving guardian families – we expect the best home life possible for our dogs. 

Guardian Home families must live in Arizona and preferable within 30 miles of Queen Creek, AZ.

Terms of our Guardianship Program

- Guardians must be willing and responsible for providing appropriate veterinary and/or emergency care when needed (This is a MUST and is first for a reason)

- Guardians must be willing to communicate and work with us throughout the dog's entire contract period. (I am here to help! Please utilize me! I want you to be able to keep your dog and allow them the loving forever home they deserve)

- Guardians must live in a home with a fully fenced yard

- Guardians must be willing to train the dog basic obedience commands (sit, stay, down, crate/kennel/place)

- Guardians must make sure the puppy gets socialized to adults, children and other animals

- Guardians must have prior dog experience, or be willing to take dog classes & highly educate themselves on dog ownership.

- Guardians must have the dog professionally groomed at least every 8-12 weeks

- Guardians must stay dog up to date on all vaccinations and dewormings

- Guardians must feed the dog a breeder approved diet

- Guardians must be able to identify when a female begins her heat cycle and notify us immediately

- Guardians must not allow a female in heat near male dogs that have not been neutered

- Guardians must not allow a male guardian to breed with unapproved females

- Guardians must live within an hour of Queen Creek, AZ or willing to meet with breeder if they liver farther than the Max of 30 miles

- Guardians must stay in contact with breeder. It is important that we communicate, in regards to health testing, mating, whelping, and other breeding related activities