Puppy Training
Getting a new puppy is such an amazing event! They are cute and sweet and get you feeling all the feels! UNTIL… Your puppy become hard. Maybe they chew on your favorite pair of shoes or a brand new barbie you just got your daughter for her birthday or pee on your favorite rug … You can’t always watch them 24/7, So here are a few resources to help guide you through the puppy stages and turn your dog into a respectful, social, well mannered dog! I hope that you will take the time to train your pup. These dogs have the potential to be the most amazing dogs if you will take the time to do just a couple 10 minute training sessions each day. Dogs are motivated by food and want to please their owners. Positive reinforcement goes a long way! The best time to train your puppy, in my personal opinion, is first thing in the morning and in the evening when the kids are in bed and there are less distractions. But also short sessions throughout the day doing their everyday routine! No need for long sessions of training, a couple minutes a few times a day is more effective than a long 1 hour training session.
My loyal Hound
Look no further. My loyal Hound has it figured out!
Dre at My Loyal Hound has a beautiful system that begins teaching your pup from the day you bring him/her home. She covers everything! Imagine being able to eliminate the guesswork of dog training, prevent bad habits from ever forming, and foster obedience and confidence in your puppy from the day you bring him/her home! I highly recommend her program! You can get it by using the link below and use the code Desert30 for $30 off!
I get a lot of my toys at TJ MAXX. I try to find ones that look and feel durable. You can get them there at reasonable prices and I’m a sucker for a good deal. It’s a good idea to wash them before giving them to your pet.
It’s also a good idea to have a basket for all of your dogs toys and make sure it’s out and available so that he/she always has access to it. Train him/her to take toys out of the basket and put them back in. Doing this will help him/her to always know where to go to find something to play with. You can save a lot of shoes by training them to play with THEIR toys.
Here are a few links to some toys on Amazon that are also great!
Goldendoodles generally do not shed, there may be som hair that falls out just like you and me but there won’t begobbs of it when you pet your pup! Another reason this is such a great breed! Their hair grow until you cut it. This means that they will need groomed more often. Their hair needs to be brushed at least 2 times a week, and bathed once a week. THey will need professionally groomed every 6-12 weeks. But it is worth the trade of having no shedding. There are many hair products out there that are great for keeping your goldendoodle's appearance in good shape. Here are a few I love.
I have gone through a couple of leashes and harnesses in my lifetime! It is important to find one that is durable and can grow with your puppy.
Here are a few links to some toys on Amazon that are also great!
Food & Treats
Finding the right pet food can be difficult in todays world where there are unknown ingredients and fillers in their food. Here are a few trusted brands that I like.